Tuesday, 31 March 2015

day 13 rely

Re-lie is exactly that nothing more then a lie, setting aside (in most situations) ones own responsibility to act in hopes of relying on somthing or somone else to do the thing.

eveyone has a job to do and if getting the job done effectivly require all participates then one can see how relying on others might be a suitable reaction. Why? When you know what you have to do why rely on another? Maybe because we feel more capable for the task set out for the other person we rely on, or maybe the reaction from an effective job done is more important than the task you were set out to do.

Either way, relying on somthing is problimatic and in most cases stressful. This does appear to be the accepted reality we live in though were people rely on one another. Is it real though? Those who rely on others are there relys met? I doubt it. Im sure starving people rely on being fed cause well they will die without being fed. So what is it really to rely on somthing?

Perhaps people that rely on material gains isnt really relying at all. They are just RE-(LIEING) and those that rely on physical support to dam well live in this world are genuinly relying on somthing, as a tree relys on carbon dioxide, or the human body relys on h2o.

Id suggest to those whos actual needs are met to never rely on another. Lets allocate the word rely back to where is belongs. As humans we have a responsibility to the animal and plant aswell as eachother to assist and support in providing what is necassary. Not what one deems necassary but what everyone can commonly agree upon. life is reliate on many things and that stands firm alongside truth. Rely on giving life as you rely on each breath that give you life.

I forgive myself for allowing amd accepting myself to rely on anything outside of my physical capabilities allowing a RE-LIE instead of truth which is obviously in dire need on this earth. I commit myself to rely only on myself with my process of correcting the mind consciousness system to enable complete and utter support of myself and to stop and breathe where i see myself relying on another for a gain that can only exist in the mind as the world gain to should be alocated souly to those that actually need gains.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the abuse of the world rely by placing it on another therefor abusing the other and myself and life by re telling the lie within my mind consciousness system and i commit myself to stop participating with the accepted and allowed definition of rely and breathe through any experiance where i see myself relying on others and instead do what needs to be done to actually form the self trust necassary in building a relying relationship with myself and through that giving what is actually needed to life and not the mind.

I forgive myself for not allowing and accepting myself to rely on myself in world that clearly has lost the meaning of what it actually means to rely on somthing. I commit myself to give back to myself through breath placing myself here within my self correction as the physical world is relying on my the stregthen myself with the world system to aid and assist humanity in realizing its short comings, and i commit myself to breathe and push through any and all obsticals set out before me to bring about an outcome that is best for all Life.

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